1- What it feels like, looks like, sounds like, smells like to receive an Essenian-Egyptian Therapy session?
An Essene-Egyptian Therapy session is a complete therapeutic touch including energy work, bodywork and aromatherapy. It feels like receiving an Aromatic dynamic-gentle Touch. The various subtle-energy treatments – etheric palpation, basic gestures, balancing chakras, choosing and sacralizing the oil, solar circulation and archetypes – work at the level on multiple levels in rebalancing energy and health. The deep and simple knowledge of the chakras and subtle bodies and their relationships to illness lead the client and the therapist to restore their harmonious sacredness of being.
2-What can you expect from your first session? Where will it be on the floor or on a massage table?
At Holistic Massage LLC, we offer both sessions on the floor or on a massage table to maximize your comfort. The massage table remains the favorite option.
Even though this is not a massage session, there are a lot of similarities with a massage modality: the use of high quality oil (chosen essential oil diluted in a carrier oil), skin touch for each EET treatment, organic white linen draping and undraping proper. However, the hands-on is an energetic technic approach which will feel slow, steady, warm, light and sometimes firm depending on the treatment received.
3-Are you dressed or undressed?
You will be undressed like a massage session.
4-What kinds of oil are used?
High Quality Organic oils based on the Aromatic Medicine (Sacred & Anointing Oils).
5-What will you feel before/during/after the session?
If you come with stress and/or “illness” discomfort, the received treatment will have a deep relaxing effect may assist to heal like an “homeopathic” approach. Frequent sessions are recommended to help with Sleeping Disorders, Regulation of the Thyroid, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, MS treatment, to name a few.
6-How can you prepare for the session?
There are no requirement to prepare for your session. Feel free to educate yourself of how the treatments are set up in a great detail in the book “The Great Book of the Essenian and Egyptian Therapies” by D.Meurois and M.J Croteau.
Know that the session is your healing time. Minimum of one hour and half may be beneficial when you make the decision to book for an Essene-Egyptian Therapy.
7- What can you tell more about the Essenian and Egyptian Therapies?
The Essenian and Egyptian Therapies are based on purifying the physical and subtle bodies from impurities in the mind and emotions that lead to disharmony and further diseases. Treatments like “Self-parasitizing”, “Mental crystallizations” or “Thought-Forms” help clean “the pores of our spiritual skin and thus re-establish communication with the Higher Self – Divine World” (ref. Omram Mikhael Aivanhov). Further advanced treatments like “The Therapy of the Archetypes” or “the Language of the Vertebrae” act like a “serum” for awakening the Soul to Healing.